Take the "miss" out
of your writing submissions. For good. 

Lit Submit Kit gives you all the tools you need to write with care, submit with confidence, and not check your Submittable account every 6 minutes or pull out a single tuft of your own hair after being rejected. (You'll even come to like - or at least come to respect - rejection. Yes, really. It's magical.)

Bring your writing where it's meant to go.

Lit Submit Kit is a surprisingly snack-sized course that's still super actionable, teaching you how to submit to literary journals and magazines the smart way. 

(Even if you write stream-of-consciousness vampire unicorn space opera.)

In-Depth Videos

The video lessons in Lit Submit Kit are designed to get you fired up and ready to submit!

Tech Walkthroughs

Included: detailed tech walkthroughs for the most popular literary submissions platforms. Your behind: totally covered.

Audio Pep Talks

Each section includes a short n' sweet audio pep talk from Sadie, ranging from starting at the beginning to reframing rejection. And the transcripts? They're included, too. 

Two masculine-presenting people sit in a crowded airport terminal. The one on the left, wearing an orange polo shirt, is reclining backwards with eyes closed; by contrast, the one on the right wears a pink polo shirt and holds a paper coffee cup, looking wide awake and terrified.


*checks box* Included!

Bio & Cover Letter Makeovers

Watch as Sadie transforms bulky bios into things of pithy beauty! Marvel as she wrestles the dastardly and infamous Cover Letter into a writer's greatest asset! And don't forget to stop by the concession stand. πŸ˜‰

Fill-in-the-Blanks Fun Sheets

Even better than You-Know-What-Libs, these are designed to get you thinking about where you want your writing (and your career) to take you. 

β€œIn her submission workshops, Sadie took the negative perception of rejection and stood it on its head. With her infectious humour she reframed the idea of the universal β€˜no’ into the universal β€˜yes!’ She showed us how to tailor our writer’s bios to appeal to busy editors and staff readers and gave abundant tips on how to find and use the main submission formats used by publishers.

I thoroughly enjoyed [Lit Submit Kit]. It was worth every penny and shattered the narrative I had running that rejection was too hard for me.”

A flamingo against a blue background.

Renee Blanchette

Author and Lit Submit Kit student

Stop facepalming when you get a rejection.

In Lit Submit Kit, you'll learn how to turn your biggest "NO" into your biggest publishing "YES". I, Sadie, will teach you how to be resilient in the face of rejection so that you can savour success, in whatever form it may come. 

You see, I have over 200 rejections in my inbox. I'm still writing. And you know what? I'm still getting published. 

Rejection of your story is only part of your story. 

In a black and white photo, a full-figured, femme-presenting caucasian person with glasses and short hair stands in front of a birch tree.

Who is this Sadie, anyway?

Writer, Speaker, & One-Woman Writing Pep Squad

About me

I'm a queer, neurodivergent writer-performer and university dropout based on Prince Edward Island, Canada. I'm the author of the poetry collections Live Ones (University of Regina Press, 2019/ tall-lighthouse uk, 2020) and Your Therapist Says It's Magical Thinking (ECW Press, 2023). My work has appeared in many venues, including Best Canadian Poetry, The Walrus, The Malahat Review, Grain,  Kissing Dynamite, Foglifter, and The Gay & Lesbian Review. I've won awards and multiple federal grants. 

I'm teaching Lit Submit Kit because I passionately believe that all writers should feel confident submitting their work, getting rejected, and coming back up swinging. 

So what's included?

Lit Submit Kit comes with six full sections that feature video lectures, audio pep talks, and oodles of useful Fun Sheets and fill-in-the-blanks tools to whip your writin' submittin' self into shape. You'll find all the details on each section of the course below!


01. The Toolbox

This introduction will teach you all about each tool included in Lit Submit Kit, giving you a video lecture pep talk on being a beginner along the way. You'll also meet Anita Coleman, our so-made-up-she-seems-real friend who we'll be following as she kick starts her submissions journey. 


02. The Writing & Editing Wrench

This is where you get to know your own work on a deep, molecular level, maybe enlisting other people to help. You'll get a video lecture, an audio pep talk about when it's okay to step away, and checklists & cheat sheets to help you get our editing game on point. 


03. The Strategy Screwdriver

This is where you create your own individualized plan for how you'll tackle your literary submissions. A video lecture, three Fun Sheets, and an audio pep talk about getting "out there" in the submissions world will prep you for success. Strategy is pretty damn irresistible, when you put it that way. πŸ˜‰


04. The Bio & Cover Letter Crowbar

In this section, you'll see cover letter and author bio makeovers in action, build your very own, and get a pep talk kick in the pants about having (or not having) the "right background" to be a successful writer. 

"I learned about the online resources to help with submissions. The advice for writing cover letters was also really helpful. Sadie has a lot to share: both from her experiences as a writer, and as someone who reviews submissions."

A small bird with green, blue, and yellow feathers, perched on a branch against a background of trees.

Sonjel Vreeland

Lit Submit Kit student


05. The Delivery Drill

This section is no fluff and all action. You'll get a detailed video walkthrough of each of the most popular submissions platforms -  including the big kahuna, Submittable. Never let confusing tech get in the way of your submissions again!


06. The Rejection & Possibility Ratchet

This one might feel a bit itchy to a lot of writers - but I PINKY SWEAR that rejection is actually a stepping stone to a flourishing literary career. Here, you'll take a peek at the diverse ACTUAL rejections I've received, and learn about how one rejected manuscript actually made my whole career happen. The sooner writers make peace with rejection, the sooner we get out of our own heads and start working to make our dreams possible.

 You with me?

"My favourite part was going through the submissions process!"

A toucan with yellow and  black feathers (and a red, blue, orange, green, and yellow beak) perches on a branch.

Anna Kuznetsova

Lit Submit Kit student

You're not buying a course. You're buying a new way to look at your writing.

More free. More optimistic. More strategic. 
More FUN! 

So what'll this cost me?

$347 USD


Pay once, benefit forever

Immediate access to all course sections

BONUS "24/7 Writing Jam Sessions" Group Membership ($187 USD value)

and for a limited time...

BONUS "Trick Yourself DONE" Live Productivity Workshop ($97 USD value)

BONUS LIVE group coaching session for Lit Submit Kit students ($147 USD value)

$87 USD

Monthly x 4

4 monthly payments of $87 each

A more affordable way to get started

I get that this isn't for everyone. But for some of you, it hits differently.

Some of the people reading these words know there's more out there for their writing careers, and they're ready to take the next steps. Even if it means exorcizing their old demon, Impostor Syndrome. Even if it means cozying up to rejection as a friend and teacher - not the schoolyard bully. 

Some of you will click one of the buttons below, and I can't wait for us to start this journey together!

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